
Sunday, September 23, 2018


I was disappointed with the Fallen Kingdom. Perhaps they've over exploited this franchise. It relied a lot on camera angles and shots that have already been used. All the scenes with the vehicles have been overdone. One of the most glaring examples was when Maisie makes her escape in a dumb waiter, it seemed a lot like the kitchen scene in the original movie.  Clip from the original included below.

The most interesting part of this movie was the revelation that Maisie was a clone of Lockwood's deceased daughter.

The Fallen Kingdom was such a disappointing parody of itself, it should have thrown in Nick Cage just to add to the self parody.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Review - Old Man Hawkeye - An Eye for an Eye #1

WARNING! Spoilers!

Old Man Hawkeye #1Old Man Hawkeye #1 by Ethan Sacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great artwork! Good story. Hawkeye takes out a bunch of inbred stupid Madroxes only to miss one thanks to failing eyesight. The one that survives stumbles across a Venom symbiote and is overtaken. Hawkeye, it turns out, has glaucoma and will soon go blind. One of life's ironies, it seems. Hawkeye visits his teenage daughter and Logan, both visits are pointless.

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